13 Years Old

Merveille Bilonda

Merveille is a young girl who lives in the city of Kinshasa in D R Congo.

Merveille’s father passed away when she was only nine years old, and her family faced the reality that they may not survive without his earnings.

Their situation was dire, and Merveille’s mother worried they would no longer lead a dignified life in which her children could access three basic meals a day.

Hence, she worked in different houses as a maid, getting paid next to nothing and spending as much time as possible working to avoid starvation.

Merveille and her siblings spent these difficult times living in a small house made of brick and tin, going to school and making their home as lovely as possible despite their vulnerable situation.

Unfortunately, even this small comfort slipped away when her mother realized that her children could not continue studying and would need to work if they were going to survive.

This broke Merveille’s heart because she enjoyed school and wanted to work hard and grow up to be a Doctor. 

Thanks to Mamy Show Foundation’s sponsorship, all of this has changed…

13 Years Old

Merveille Bilonda

Merveille is a young girl who lives in the city of Kinshasa in D R Congo.

Merveille’s father passed away when she was only nine years old, and her family faced the reality that they may not survive without his earnings.

Their situation was dire, and Merveille’s mother worried they would no longer lead a dignified life in which her children could access three basic meals a day.

Hence, she worked in different houses as a maid, getting paid next to nothing and spending as much time as possible working to avoid starvation.

Merveille and her siblings spent these difficult times living in a small house made of brick and tin, going to school and making their home as lovely as possible despite their vulnerable situation.

Unfortunately, even this small comfort slipped away when her mother realized that her children could not continue studying and would need to work if they were going to survive.

This broke Merveille’s heart because she enjoyed school and wanted to work hard and grow up to be a Doctor. 

Thanks to Mamy Show Foundation’s sponsorship, all of this has changed…

The sponsorship came at a much-needed time. It meant she could continue attending school to fulfil her dreams of being a doctor instead of working at a young age and giving up her education.

When Merveille received this good news, she was elated and worked hard at school with hope in her heart. Merveille receives all A grades in her classes, and her confidence has grown massively.

Thanks to her sponsorship funds, she receives food and educational materials, and her tuition, exam, and school fees are all paid quarterly. Her mother no longer has to worry about where their next meal is coming from.

Merveille says that her teachers are all friendly, and her environment is pleasant and comfortable.

She will continue to succeed thanks to continued sponsorship and will live a life that is a far cry from her previously dire situation.

She is happy and excited about where her future will take her and has big dreams.

Thank you for giving her hope.